英國當地時間3月22日下午,位於倫敦的議會大廈威斯敏斯特橋發生恐怖襲擊事件。一名男子駕車沖向人群,警造成了5人(包括1名員警和1名恐怖分子)死亡,40多人受傷。ISIS恐怖組織宣稱對此次襲擊事件負責,英國首相特蕾莎·梅也發表聲明稱這是一起令人厭惡、及其邪惡的恐怖襲擊。今天,為大家推薦的是倫敦皇家亞伯特音樂廳在2015年所舉辦的敬拜讚美會《10000 Reasons》現場演出視頻,願上帝與英國同在...
這個舞臺更是彙集了古典音樂家指揮家、英國最好交響樂團All Souls Orchestra、基督教流行音樂歌手、合唱團一起同台演出。這樣獨特的演出形式,讓所有參與者更全面的感受上帝所創造音樂的魅力,也向世人傳遞著福音的好消息。
Bless the Lord oh my soul
我的靈啊 我要讚美主
Oh my soul Worship His Holy name
我的靈啊 我要敬拜祂的聖名
Sing like never before
Oh my soul I'll worship Your Holy name
我的靈啊 我要頌贊你的聖名
It's a new day dawning 這是新的一天
It's time to sing Your song again 我要時時讚美
Whatever may pass 無論將會經歷什麼
And whatever lies before me 無論有多少謊言在我面前
Let me be singing 我要時時稱讚美
When the evening comes 從日出直到日暮
你有豐盛的慈愛 又不輕易發怒
Your name is great 你的名真偉大
And Your heart is kind 你的心柔和謙卑
For all Your goodness 為著你一切的良善
I will keep on singing 我要繼續高聲歌頌
Ten thousand reasons For my heart to find
The end draws near 一切即將結束
And my time has come 我得贖的時候也要來到了
Still my soul will Sing Your praise unending
我的靈還要向你獻上讚美 這讚美永不止息
Ten thousand years And then Forevermore
一萬年之久 直到永永遠遠
Praying the Temple Prayer with Pastor Cho
Pray the following pages out loud to learn how to worship God in the Tabernacle. It is based on
Pastor Cho’s teaching of the Temple (Tabernacle) Prayer.
Father we desire to pray today, so we come to your mountain right NOW -- seeking You.
We cry out for Your anointing today!
Anoint me, Lord!
Only through more anointing can I carry out my work according to your will for me and only by your anointing can I fulfill your plan for my life.
It was You who commanded Moses to build the tabernacle in the wilderness.
Lord, you dwelt there and met your people there.
The Israelites only worshipped You in that tabernacle.
We cry out for Your anointing today!
Anoint me, Lord!
Only through more anointing can I carry out my work according to your will for me and only by your anointing can I fulfill your plan for my life.
It was You who commanded Moses to build the tabernacle in the wilderness.
Lord, you dwelt there and met your people there.
The Israelites only worshipped You in that tabernacle.
The Tabernacle illustrates Your pattern of worship.
It holds the sequence to draw close to You!
I desire that intimacy today.
I thank you for the tabernacle model through Moses, in Jesus, and in Heaven.
I thank you for the Courtyard – where the Brazen Altar and the Laver is.
I thank you for the Holy Place – where the Candlesticks are, as well as the Table of Showbread and the Altar of Incense.
I thank you for the Holy of Holies – where the Arc of the Covenant and Your Mercy Seat reside.
Today – according to Your Word – I am a priest in your temple, my body.
My spirit is as the Holy of Holies.
My mind is as the Holy Place.
It holds the sequence to draw close to You!
I desire that intimacy today.
I thank you for the tabernacle model through Moses, in Jesus, and in Heaven.
I thank you for the Courtyard – where the Brazen Altar and the Laver is.
I thank you for the Holy Place – where the Candlesticks are, as well as the Table of Showbread and the Altar of Incense.
I thank you for the Holy of Holies – where the Arc of the Covenant and Your Mercy Seat reside.
Today – according to Your Word – I am a priest in your temple, my body.
My spirit is as the Holy of Holies.
My mind is as the Holy Place.
My physical body is as the Courtyard.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Work through my spirit, through my mind, through my body.
I directly worship you, Lord, through the temple of my body, my mind and my spirit.
I am a priest unto the Lord.
Jesus, You are the High Priest of Heaven.
Teach me my priestly duties today.
Teach me according to your ordained pattern of approaching God.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Work through my spirit, through my mind, through my body.
I directly worship you, Lord, through the temple of my body, my mind and my spirit.
I am a priest unto the Lord.
Jesus, You are the High Priest of Heaven.
Teach me my priestly duties today.
Teach me according to your ordained pattern of approaching God.
Website: coj-macau.com E-Mail:coj@macau.ctm.net
Tel:853-28529277 Add:澳門文第士街39號A地下
Website: coj-macau.com E-Mail:coj@macau.ctm.net
Tel:853-28529277 Add:澳門文第士街39號A地下